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American Hero Stories: A Navy SEAL

American Hero Stories: A Navy SEAL

Thom Shea was a Navy SEAL (Sea, Air & Land) for 23 years. Special Operator, Chief SEAL Shea did three tours (approximately six months each) with SEAL Team Two in…

Ohio bus driver called hero after sacrificing life for child

Ohio bus driver called hero after sacrificing life for child

AKRON, Ohio — Laura Zborowski is being called a hero after she sacrificed her life to save a student. The 51-year-old school bus driver was working on an evacuation drill…

A young boy is turning winning into giving.

A young boy is turning winning into giving.

WILLIAMSON COUNTY — A young boy is turning winning into giving. Chance Duty is only nine-years-old but he’s been driving micro sprint cars on this dirt track for two years.  Chance…

NY Giants Punter Launches Steve Weatherford World Champion Foundation At Momentum Cycling and Fitness Club Grand Opening

NY Giants Punter Launches Steve Weatherford World Champion Foundation At Momentum Cycling and Fitness Club Grand Opening

NEW YORK, Sept. 13, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — New York Giants punter Steve Weatherford announced today the launch of his new charitable organization, The Steve Weatherford World Champion Foundation. The official…

Julie Seymour still giving back to the game

Julie Seymour still giving back to the game

Former Silver Ferns and Canterbury netball captain Julie Seymour has received the New Zealand Order of Merit in Wellington. Seymour, who retired in 2008, was one of 19 to be…

Dog from Taft being called a hero

Dog from Taft being called a hero

TAFT, Calif. – A dog from Taft is being hailed as a hero. Piddle is a two-year-old pitbull mix. His owner, Kanoe Bandy, boarded him at the Taft Veterinary Hospital…

AIDS orphan has bravery in abundance

AIDS orphan has bravery in abundance

Phasellus fermentum egestas metus eu adipiscing. Etiam sed enim et augue pharetra sagittis. Phasellus non iaculis nunc. Nunc ut metus at nibh rhoncus congue eget sit amet nunc. Phasellus sed…

Dozens missing after Egyptian ferry accident

Dozens missing after Egyptian ferry accident

Pellentes que habitant morbi tristi que senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam metus enim, semper sit amet sagittis id, iaculis non ante. Curabitur interdum cursus tortor.…

Refugee returns to Sudan to sign up voters

Refugee returns to Sudan to sign up voters

Suspendisse euismod felis eu ligula facilisis at lobortis mauris rhoncus. Mauris volutpat nibh nec tortor commodo tempus. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus vel arcu vitae nisl imperdiet tincidunt a convallis elit. Praesent…

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