RICHMOND, Va. — Every holiday season, Chris Woody collects rolls of holiday paper and wraps hundreds upon hundreds of Christmas gifts.
The 31-year-old Richmond man’s generosity knows no bounds.
“I get so excited. I know it is time to get busy. Time to put the hands in the pile,” Chris said. “As much as I have to give. To whom much is given much is required.”
Chris is the founder of The Woody Foundation, a non-profit making spirits bright all year long for underprivileged boys and girls.
During his Spirit of Giving toy giveaway Chris delivers toys provided by the U.S. Marines Toys for Tots. Donations buy piles more.
Chris Woody and his gift wrap.
“Like they say. No child left behind. I say no child goes without.” Chris said. “Just seeing the things we take for granted. Someone really needs help out here.”
This Christmas, Woody is granting the wishes of dozens of children, including three boys and girls living with cancer.
“A six-year-old cancer patient. She wants pajamas. Easy reader book. Legos. Boy game. Barbie clothes,” he said.
Chris is a man who gives of himself. Literally.
Three years ago, Chris donated one of his kidneys to his ailing cousin, Tayshon.
An act that helped to save the 13-year-old’s life.
Chris Woody and his nephew.
“I always say God works in mysterious ways. You never know what your assignment is here on Earth,” Chris said.
He said he learned his giving ways from his mother Deborah. And Deborah could not be more proud of her son.
“We are supposed to do all for others, no matter what condition they’re in,” Deborah Oliver said. “It just puts a smile on my face knowing that someone that loves people the way he does.”
“In order to get a blessing you have to be a blessing to others.”
During the season of giving and beyond, Chris Woody’s loving heart is on full display. And that is a wrap.
“It is just a good feeling knowing you can help somebody,” he said.
Chris helped 400 families during his most recent Woody Foundation toy giveaway. Chris lives by the motto “it is always better to give than receive.”
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