Just where does happiness lie in the big scheme of your life? We know that happy people are healthier and live longer, but is it achievable for those of us who want to de-stress, laugh and be happy? Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, will let us in on the path to being happy at the 9th Annual Women’s Conference, Celebrating Women, Mind, Body, Spirit, Thursday, April 14, at Moody Gardens Convention Center in Galveston.
Presented by the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce, the event is planned and organized by women, for women, and speakers address topics that are on the minds of today’s women. Presentations by noted authorities are designed to educate, excite and empower attendees to live a healthier and happier life. Sponsored by the Galveston Chamber and UTMB Health, speakers include author Gretchen Rubin, Jentry Kelley, founder of Jentry Kelley Cosmetics, and UTMB Health physicians Dr. Zehra Jaffery; Dr. Sukwan Jolley; and Dr. Juliet McKee. Serving as Mistress of Ceremony is Mia Gradney, KHOU TV,with radio personality Sara Pepper . A Women’s Expo featuring health and wellness products, jewelry, clothing and other merchandise for sale is located adjacent to the conference and will be open 7:30 am until 6 pm. A complimentary happy hour will be hosted at the conclusion of the conference in the Expo. Drawings will be announced throughout the day and the grand prize drawing will be announced in the Women’s Expo following conference programs.
This year’s Women’s Conference is dedicated to former Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas and community honorees are Pamela Watson, Susan Falgout, Mary Jo Naschke, and Ruth Rendon.
Keynote speaker Gretchen Rubin is the New York Times Bestselling Author of The Happiness Project, Better Than Before, and Happier at Home; all blockbuster successes. Enormously popular with readers in print and online, more than two million copies of her books have been sold worldwide. Conference attendees will learn the rules for life that happy people know and how to design your personal program to aquire a happier tomorrow.
Makeup artist Jentry Kelley founded her own line of cosmetics in 2011. The company, Jentry Kelley Cosmetics, takes makeup to another level by providing education on application to achieve a younger, more polished look. Given that every woman acts as her own makeup stylist, Kelley coaches in techniques to enhance daily routines resulting in a 10 – 15 years younger appearance without a stylist on the payroll. Makeup tips you can apply at home on your own with professional results. Kelley will talk about the entrepreneurial spirit that led her from the University of Houston, with a degree in business management, to the Clinique counter at Dillard’s, to ultimately founding her own company in cosmetics which she has a passion for. Kelley will have a booth at the Women’s Expo to introduce her cosmetics line where stylists will be available for mini consultations.
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