Top 10 sustainable food apps There are restaurant guide and calorie counter apps aplenty, but what’s out there for consumers with sustainability in mind?

top 10 food appsFrom using leftovers to ensuring your fish is not from an endangered supply, there’s an app for almost everything. Photograph: Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters
While the food app market is saturated by pizza delivery, restaurant guide and weight-watching products, there is also demand for apps that are geared towards a more sustainable outlook.

Whether you’d like to know the origin of what’s on your plate, if it’s genetically modified, or if it’s an endangered species you’re tucking into, your smartphone can serve the information straight to your table. As well as guides for eating out, there are apps available to help you choose recipes, make the most of leftovers and donate unwanted supplies. Here are 10 sustainable food apps.

Good Fish Guide

The Good Fish Guide from the Marine Conservation Society provides a database of sustainable seafood for consumers who’d like to make sure that their fish is ethically-sourced and not from over-fished and endangered supplies. Type in the name of a prospective purchase and the app provides details on the species, its origin and a sustainability rating.

British Street Food

Designed to encourage the promotion of British Street Food, this app informs the hungry where they can find a snack or meal on a street near them. The GPS map provides real-time details as to what is available in which area. The app also allows customers to add the location and a description of the best street food they encounter, as well as photos of their meal, in the hope of building a larger street food community in the UK.


While most foods are now available all year round, there’s no substitute for eating seasonal produce at its prime. The Seasons app tells users when produce is at its peak, and highlights local farmers’ markets. This app provides localisation for the UK, France, Spain and Germany as well as the US and Australia.

The Ethical Company Organisation Ethical Shopping App

This app offers ethical comparison tables on more than 700 brands and corporations across seven sectors, including food and drink. Each company is assigned an “ethical rating”, and issues surrounding them are fully explained. The app is backed by the charity Friends of the Earth, which receives 10% of the net revenue from downloads.

Riverford Organic Veg

The award-winning organic vegetable retailer Riverford Organic has developed an app to allow its customers to use leftovers in interesting ways. By typing in potential ingredients, the app shows recipes that include what produce you have. Customers with fuller fridges can also access more than 750 recipes from the Riverford archive.

Wise up on Waste

For professional kitchens, Wise Up On Waste is designed to monitor food waste. The app helps kitchens to keep track of the areas and times that the most waste is created, measure progress and financial savings, and provide tips on recycling and waste reduction.


With the tagline “Eat like the world depends on it”, Noshplanet lists cafés and restaurants with high-sustainability credentials. It offers the facility for diners to praise or criticise their food as they see fit, and encourages people to recommend more destinations for its database.

Green Egg Shopper

Green Egg Shopper helps users to organise and manage their groceries, with the aim of reducing food waste and overbuying. Customers can enter the use-by dates of their purchases and the app will offer advice on when, and how, to use them. The app also offers a price-tracking feature, and an annual report on expenditure.

Love Food Hate Waste

The Love Food Hate Waste app gives the user directions on how to use potential leftovers, with handy tips on recipes for food that would otherwise be thrown out. There’s a bit of fun as well as social responsibility, with badges on offer for different achievements.


Currently internet-based, the German Foodsharing app offers the chance for people to give or take leftover food in their local area. Those who wish to donate can list the items they have spare, and those who need them can find the listing and collect the produce. The system is designed to reduce food wastage, as well as building community spirit.

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