CHARLOTTE, N.C., Sept. 13, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Tomorrow, Sunday, September 14, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Dr. Mark Harris, Concerned Women for America President Penny Nance, and Bishop E.W. Jackson will hold a 4:30 p.m. ET news conference to preview Star Spangled Sunday, a live simulcast event at the First Baptist Church of Charlotte.
The simulcast, co-hosted by Family Research Council and Vision America, will celebrate the 200th anniversary of The Star Spangled Banner. FRC President Tony Perkins will serve as host for the simulcast which will reach more than a thousand churches and home groups across the country. The event will include video messages from Hobby Lobby President Steve Green, and Anthony Hahn, President and CEO of Conestoga Wood.
“Few citizens have ever heard the story of how God used ordinary Christians to do extraordinary things during the desperate days of 1814. But on September 14th, during Star Spangled Sunday, this live nationwide webcast, will tell the providential story behind the song and challenge us to once again rediscover and recommit to what has made America an exceptional nation,” said Family Research Council President Tony Perkins.
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